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FATHER GOD, we are here today because we are your “Boots on the Ground”. We are your witnesses to what you’re doing in this covenant nation by your SPIRIT. In being obedient to your call, we are your holy vessels to boldly deliver and DECLARE your WORD. In the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST we speak this in faith….“YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN”….Matt 6:10. “YOUR WILL IS GOOD, ACCEPTABLE AND PERFECT” according to Romans 12:2. “YOUR WORD THAT GOES FORTH FROM YOUR MOUTH, SHALL NOT RETURN TO YOU VOID, BUT IT WILL ACCOMPLISH WHAT YOU PLEASE, AND IT SHALL PROSPER IN THE THING FOR WHICH YOU SEND IT.” Isaiah 55:11 YOUR WORD IS YOUR WILL…Is 46:10
Therefore, the eternal words that THE LORD GOD has spoken through all His Law, the prophets and Christ Himself, we repeat as ambassadors of Your holy ecclesia, as sons of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ. These living words that we speak today, set in motion Your divine decrees, along with its divine judgements, over this covenant nation and all of North America. Just as former men of God have previously declared “it is written” with righteous and godly documents such as the Mayflower Compact (1611), Declaration of Independence (1776) and Bill of Rights (1791), we also declare upon that great and true foundation these additional and timely prophetic decrees, of which we now voice. As we stand “over” and “not under” these Institutions of Law, being within our righteous and lawful position, we concur that His divine judgements be final and without recourse to the entire Babylonian System that has hijacked and attempts to usurp the government from the shoulder of Jesus Christ…Isaiah 9:6-7. May the LORD confirm this prophetic word with signs following according to Mark 16:20
Being in agreement with our forefathers: ”We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain un-a-lien-able rights, that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of (God’s) people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new (righteous) government.”—Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776. It is within this context that our true and honest motive here is to honor our Founding Father’s Christian intent by boldly delivering in person these heavenly decrees for such a time as this. And also confirm that the wording of the Founders “we the people” was intended and directed towards a righteous people, not secular.
We the people of Yahweh, (the one and only true God who is the Creator of heaven and earth), by understanding His authority as the righteous remnant of the kingdom of God, do solemnly represent and therefore DECREE these heavenly judgements on this day of our Lord,_______________, 2024 A.D. Included but not limited to the following:
- Jesus is King and Lord over this nation; including its Constitutional Republic.
- As a covenant nation, we’re in agreement with the Father to manifest His divine judgement and wrath upon all ungodliness, tyrannical and evil agendas.
- All righteous and biblical law is supreme, including the Bill of Rights.
- The Babylonian use of maritime law no longer has jurisdiction over the land and common law.
- All present and past unlawful and unrighteous precedent laws are null and void.
- All judges who are unwilling to follow the original constitution and God’s rule of law and make righteous judgements accordingly are hereby evicted and commanded to leave the bench with no further compensation.
- Justice and liberty for all are once again to be guaranteed under the constitution.
- All judges and attorneys not willing to disbar from their “BAR” slave masters will no longer be recognized in any constitutional court.
- All systems of unequal justice are hereby cursed and no longer sustainable.
- 10. All federal agencies not instituted by congressional law and the will of the people have no jurisdiction or authority and are thereby null and void.
- 11. All Babylonian inspired and tax funded government and judicial systems are completely expunged of duty, with no recognized authority.
- 12. The church of Jesus Christ is hereby freed from government interference and has every right to function within governmental agency regardless of political affiliation.
- 13. The posterity of this nation (and continent) must be protected and defended from all criminal agendas, with the penalty of death as final sentence in certain cases.
- 14. All Luciferian installed representatives that are guilty of crimes against humanity and/or the welfare of this nation are hereby terminated and charged accordingly.
- 15. The Holy Spirit is the real time Judge and jury when He decides…Acts 5:1-10.
- 16. All necessary angelic hosts are released by decree of the court of heaven to act on behalf of the sons of God in this military campaign to make an end of all antichrist persons and their evil, lawless agendas, et al.
- 17. We hereby loose the creation from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God according to Rom 8:21.
Read Eph 6:10-20 We now SPEAK to and against the principalities, powers, the worldly governors, rulers of this darkness of this age and spiritual hosts of wickedness who sit in the second heaven over ___________ County. HEAR THIS: “Because we have repented of past sins, transgressions and iniquities, and are now declared not guilty by the blood of Christ Jesus; Forgiven and reconciled as sons of God and wearing the full armor of God, we rightfully declare in faith the cleansing of His covenant land by the gospel of the kingdom and His rule of law to all past and present injustice, unrighteous and wicked acts. Your strongholds here are powerless and your judgement has come. All innocent blood will receive due justice and recompense. All past acts of evil, curses and perversion are to be removed from our land. All present perpetrators must repent or perish. With our holy feet standing on this holy, covenant ground, we fearlessly decree to you in person that you’ve been found guilty and are now evicted and may no longer trespass while we occupy this ground of His kingdom in _________County. You are to be completely excommunicated from this land according to God’s law which is written on our hearts as a living witness and by the Holy Spirit who is the Commander in Chief of God’s earth. You have no further rights and no jurisdiction to rule over the rightful heirs of this ground nor its government. We once again assume rightful dominion over the land, the sea and the air. In fact, we proclaim commanding angels to enforce these decrees and release the destroying angelic host to war on our behalf. The Angels of antiquity under Christ… Michael, Uriel, Raphael and Gabriel (Dan 9:20-10:21) have complete jurisdiction. This righteous decree is now set in motion! In the name of our King, Jesus Christ, the Supreme Ruler of this county, state, nation and earth…so be it!
The penalty for your many years of evil and criminal actions are ultimately in the court of the Ancient of Days; however, as soldiers, we now bind you “little g” gods and all the hierarchy of demons, with fetters that cannot be broken. We also loose the ignorant and innocent people who’ve been taken captive by your will, from your spells. What we bind on earth shall also be bound in the second heaven…Matt 18:18. From today forward, evil, you must watch with no voice and no recourse as the true sons of God naturally and spiritually remove all your sorcery, lies, witchcraft, deception and propaganda mediums from every threshold, every portal and every high place (locally) and to all parts of the earth. All prophets of Baal, Isis, Moloch and the rest will be removed from this county. There’s nothing hidden that will not be revealed. You must watch as the Breath of God, that Stone cut out without hands finishes leveling all your kingdoms and fills the whole earth as it breaks in pieces and consumes all the remaining residue of these kingdoms! Only it shall stand forever according to Dan 2:34,35,44.
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