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Protect Our Children Against the Woke Agenda – Knox County Ohio

East Knox County Schools 23201 Coshocton Rd, Howard, OH

East Knox County School Board Meeting Join us! Thursday, December 8, 2022 Please arrive by 5:30 pm   Come alongside Pastor Matt who stands against the "woke" agenda that is destroying the lives of our children. Please send an email between now and December 8th.  The below are talking points to put in your own emails.  Use the topic of the 2nd grader that wore a dress and make up to school. Use the problem with the bathroom agenda. All we ask is that you do it in a Christ- Like manner. No need to be crazy with our emails. Like Pastor Matt said, we got to remember this involves a 2nd grade little boy. The 2nd grader will hear about how we conduct ourselves. The 2nd grader might even be at this meeting. We want to show the 2nd grader that we love and care about his innocent little life and his future. Also send Pastor Matt encouraging emails. Randy Reese is a new Christian board member who was just voted in and superintendent Mr. Larcomb claims to be a Christian. They both voted against Pastor Matt, WHY See you all December 8that 6:00 pm meeting but arrive by […]

Protect Our Children Against the Woke Agenda – Knox County Ohio

East Knox County Schools 23201 Coshocton Rd, Howard, OH

East Knox County School Board Meeting Join us! Thursday, January 12, 2023 Please arrive by 5:30 pm   Come alongside those who stands against the "woke" agenda that is destroying the lives of our children.   The school board members are: Derrick Steinmetz                                               President Lindsay Bush                                                                  Vice-President Randy Reese                                                                  Member Pastor Matt Schwartz                                         Member Larry Campbell                                 […]

Coach Dave in St. Clairsville, Ohio

East Richards Friends Church 67885 Friends Church Rd, Saint Clairsville, OH

Saturday, January 14, 2023 - Coach Dave has been invited to speak at East Richland Friends Church in Saint Clairsville, Ohio. If you are in need of a dose of salt, I encourage you to attend!

Day of Remembrance for those lost during Covid

Freedom Gate Church 104 Tennis Center Dr, 45750, Marietta, Marietta, OH

Many died in nursing homes and hospitals during Covid without a memorial service. Join with others on Saturday, January 21, 2021 in Marietta, Ohio for a Day of Remembrance!

Taking the Field Against the Demonic & Ritualistic Super Bowl Half Time Show

Coach Join Coach Dave & The Huddle... Taking the field against the Demonic - Ritualistic Super Bowl Half Time Show JOIN US ONLINE  Sunday, February 12, 2023 7:45 - 8:45 pm Going on the Offensive Against the works of darkness Ephesians 5:11 states “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them” We plan to expose the dark and demonic overtones, and ritualistic summoning of ungodly spirits during the Super Bowl Half Time Show, by counter offensive Imprecatory Prayer, Psalms, and Agreement of the Ecclesia fighting on the Heavenly Fields of the Second Heaven. Join us for a time of imprecatory prayers against the enemy! For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.   Ephesians 6:12 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.  2 Corinthians 10:4-5


Harvest Revival Center 1488 Johnsville- Brookville Rd, Brookville, OH

Harvest Revival Center is hosting a time of prayer and repentance to welcome the Holy Spirit and to set a brush fire that would lead to REVIVAL. The doors are open If you are led Come!  

Event Series Wayne County Freedom Keepers

Wayne County Freedom Keepers

Third Saturday of each month, local meet up to build community around Constitutional principles and ideals. Different topics and speakers each month. January 21, February 18, March 18, April 15 are the first four dates in 2023. Mission: We exist to stand for truth and freedom, from medical and religious freedom to freedom from the deception and lies that are permeating our current culture. We seek to build a community of truth seeking patriots, in order to encourage and support each other as we stand up and take action to fight for the future of Wayne County.
