Proclaiming a Season of Repentance

On August 12, 1861, President Abraham Lincoln announced that September would be a time of National Humiliation, Prayer, and Fasting.

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The month of September 2022 is the beginning of The Season of Repentance in America and we at the Liberty Action Network are fostering this movement by the Holy Spirit’s leading.  

The Liberty Action Network in coordination with the Maryland Salt & Light Brigade, Spirit War International and TheChristianRevolution.net would like to invite All God-fearing Americans to join us for a time of Humiliation, Repentance, Prayer & Fasting during the month of September.

We will be commemorating the 161 year anniversary of Proclamation 85 on the Gettysburg Battlefield at the Peace Monument 1 pm on Monday September 26,2022.   

Invite everyone in your sphere of influence to join us. Encourage churches and groups to join us.

In 1861 it was the president that called for Americans to humble themselves and pray.

In 2022, it is We The People, the Children of God who are calling for this action.

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September Action Agreement

The Liberty Action Network, the Maryland Salt & Light Brigade & Spirit War International invite you to join us in ONE ACCORD for prayers and repentance during this critical time in our history.

On Monday, September 26, 2022, we will gather in Gettysburg to conclude our time of Prayer, Fasting, Repentance and Humiliation for our Nation.

GO TO the EVENTS tab for information about September 25-26 in Gettysburg, PA. LOCATION CHANGES & UPDATES



    Daniel 9-10

    30-Second Spots to Promote this Season of Repentance


    September 9-11, 2022

    The Covenant: Restoring the Ancient Paths in Plymouth, MA with the Resistance Chicks

    September 25, 2022

    Pastor Jeff Daly 09 25 Declaration-of-a-National-Day-of-Prayer-and-Repentance_

    September 26, 2022

    A Calling To The People in Gettysburg, PA with Pass The Salt, Maryland Salt & Light Bridage and Spirit War International Radio Network (SIRN)

    October 1, 2022

    The Save America Revival Tour – OHIO with HisGlory and the Resistance Chicks

    Register for the Liberty Action Network

    The Liberty Action Network is an autonomous network of Christian Members, Leaders and Influencers pursuing Liberty and Action together. Interested in joining? Register below!