Joe Blystone : December Speaking Series Online
Citizen Candidate for Governor Joe Blystone will be hosting a December Speaker Series on December 8, 15, 22 and 29 at 7:30 pm. Click the link below to register for this free online event.
Citizen Candidate for Governor Joe Blystone will be hosting a December Speaker Series on December 8, 15, 22 and 29 at 7:30 pm. Click the link below to register for this free online event.
Citizen Candidate for Governor Joe Blystone will be hosting a December Speaker Series on December 8, 15, 22 and 29 at 7:30 pm. Click the link below to register for this free online event.
Dr. John Diamond invites the Liberty Action Network to kick off 2022 with our network featured for an entire week! Dr. John Diamond, LAN Influencer, TV host and Author, has invited the Liberty Action Network to be featured the first week of 2022.His Live Show "America Unhinged" airs each weekday on at 9:00 - 9:45 am. Schedule for January 4, 6 & 7, 2022: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 - 9:00 – 9:25 am “Liberty Mel” Harrison (LAN Admin Team) and Charlie Earl – Introduction of Liberty Action Network & Christian Libertarianism - True Liberty is Found in Jesus Christ 9:25 – 9:45 am Angela Ryan and Jeff Cline - County Organizing & Winning Locally Thursday, January 6, 2022 - 9:00 – 9:25 am Jim Harrison and Dennis Fashbaugh – Family & Military Friday, January 7, 2022 - 9:25 – 9:45 am Damon Appel & Doc Jen – Medical Freedom & Human Performance
The Christian Revolution was founded in September 2021 asking the question, "Who is Funding Good?" Since that time they have raised over $500,000 as a grant-making organization to fund good and to encourage righteous action. Since their founding, they have funded Attorney Tom Renz and Dr. Sherry Tenpenny. In the month of December 2021, they plan to provide over $300,000 to organizations that are pursuing Christian Action. On Thursday, January 6, 2022, people will be gathering in cities and towns across the country for Celebrate Freedom Day from 12:00 - 1:00 pm. Coach Dave Daubenmire and Ohio Brett Bohl will be providing a template to make it easy and fun. To join in the effort and to begin pursuing Action & Freedom in 2022, I encourage you to go to the website and plan to attend an event or sign-up to host an event.
The Ohio Republican Party is one of the best in the nation at getting Republicans elected. Unfortunately, they do not hold their candidates accountable for passing conservative policies into law to allow Ohioans to prosper. The first step in reforming the party is admitting there is a problem. Ohio is not growing (we lost another Congressional seat), Opioid-related deaths have exploded, and human trafficking is obscenely too high. The Republican Party has been rocked by one scandal after another, and the ethical behavior of Republican leadership is non-existent. If you are tired of the Columbus SWAMP and want to help reform the Republican Party - YOU NEED TO BE AT THIS EVENT. Many of the people that have signed the Ohio Promise Keepers pledge and are running for the Ohio Republican State Central Committee will be there along with a whole host of well-known conservative leaders - speaking on the importance of reform.
Join the Ohioans Defending Freedom at the Free Stamp in Downtown Cleveland this Saturday at 10a--12p. Bring your medical freedom signs, American Flags and whatever else you've got. The best part is that it ends with just enough time to drive down to Columbus for the Maximum Freedom Rally.
Liberty Action Network member Candice Keller, Jennifer Gross sponsor of HB 248 and Mac the Knight will be speaking about Uniting Ohio for Maximum Freedom.
CoCO (Conservatives of Central Ohio) and Licking County Conservatives is having the JANUARY 2022 Meetup on THURSDAY JANUARY 20 @ 6:30 pm. Doors open 6 pm ~ so that all of us get a closeup look at candidates for office, and current office holders, in order to better educate ourselves. at the NEW LOCATION!!! DAVIS SHAI HOUSE 301 Central Parkway, Heath OH COME MEET LisaCOOPER, CandiceKeller, & JohnAdams, PhilMANNOG, JoeGERGLEY AND THE REST OF THE GANG! Our group is all about these “three E’s" EDUCATE let’s be knowledgeable about the issues and candidates; ENERGIZE let’s get jazzed about the things we can do to reform the GOP here in central Ohio; and ELECT let’s elect the right people, let’s know what issues to support or to oppose AGAIN, the JANUARY LICKING COUNTY MONTHLY MEETUP will be held on THURSDAY, JANUARY 20th, 6:30 PM at THE DAVIS-SHAI HOUSE (see map attached) 301 CENTRAL PARKWAY, Heath OH 43056
NW Regional Captain Greg Jevnikar invites you to attend! The Liberty Action Network will be featured and Liberty Mel and Coach Dave are special guests.
Start the new year with Ohio Stands Up! at our January 22nd event! Dinner is included and we have a fantastic lineup of speakers (Mendenhall Law Group, Dr. Beth Laffay, Kathryn Huwig with Beyond the Data, and Attorney Mitchell Marczewski). Commiserate with like-minded people and learn about your rights in these trying times. Tickets on sale now at We are over 50% sold out. Tickets sales will end upon sell out or on 1/15/22. All proceeds made from this event and fundraiser will be going towards selected Ohio legal cases. Our non profit has been able to help five cases in the last month thanks to your previous attendance and/or donations. We are a nonprofit 501c4 made up of selfless volunteers.