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Event Series Wayne County Freedom Keepers

Wayne County Freedom Keepers

Third Saturday of each month, local meet up to build community around Constitutional principles and ideals. Different topics and speakers each month. January 21, February 18, March 18, April 15 are the first four dates in 2023. Mission: We exist to stand for truth and freedom, from medical and religious freedom to freedom from the deception and lies that are permeating our current culture. We seek to build a community of truth seeking patriots, in order to encourage and support each other as we stand up and take action to fight for the future of Wayne County.


Event Series Wayne County Freedom Keepers

Wayne County Freedom Keepers

Third Saturday of each month, local meet up to build community around Constitutional principles and ideals. Different topics and speakers each month. January 21, February 18, March 18, April 15 are the first four dates in 2023. Mission: We exist to stand for truth and freedom, from medical and religious freedom to freedom from the deception and lies that are permeating our current culture. We seek to build a community of truth seeking patriots, in order to encourage and support each other as we stand up and take action to fight for the future of Wayne County.


Camp Constitution’s 15th Annual Family Camp

Camp Constitution’s 15th Annual Family Camp at the Singing Hills Christian Camp Plainfield, NH is less than two months away.  It will run from Sunday late afternoon July 16 to Friday July 21, and while we are filing up, rooms are still available.  Returning instructors include Pastor David Whitney of the Institute on the Constitution; Professor Willie Soon, world renowned astrophysicist and climate realist; Catherine White of The Constitution Decoded; Alex Newman, author and host of the Sentinel Report, and Rev. Steve Craft, Camp Constitution’s chaplain.  First time instructors include NH State Rep Valerie McDonnell, the youngest elected official in the United States, and Vincent Ellison, and author Vince Ellison. Mrs. Edith Craft returns to direct the program for the Junior Campers. In addition to the classes, the camp will offer marksmanship courses, martial arts, hiking, basketball, volleyball, wiffleball, an optional field trip, and swimming, chess, gaga and corn hole tournaments.  Campers and staff end the day with an evening campfire.  Camp Constitution’s annual camp is a family camp open to entire families, unaccompanied minors, and adults. The cost for the week which includes lodging, meals and class handouts is $300 for those 13 and over. $200. For campers 12 and under, and […]

Event Series Camp Constitution’s 15th Annual Family Camp

Camp Constitution’s 15th Annual Family Camp

Camp Constitution’s 15th Annual Family Camp at the Singing Hills Christian Camp Plainfield, NH is less than two months away.  It will run from Sunday late afternoon July 16 to Friday July 21, and while we are filing up, rooms are still available.  Returning instructors include Pastor David Whitney of the Institute on the Constitution; Professor Willie Soon, world renowned astrophysicist and climate realist; Catherine White of The Constitution Decoded; Alex Newman, author and host of the Sentinel Report, and Rev. Steve Craft, Camp Constitution’s chaplain.  First time instructors include NH State Rep Valerie McDonnell, the youngest elected official in the United States, and Vincent Ellison, and author Vince Ellison. Mrs. Edith Craft returns to direct the program for the Junior Campers. In addition to the classes, the camp will offer marksmanship courses, martial arts, hiking, basketball, volleyball, wiffleball, an optional field trip, and swimming, chess, gaga and corn hole tournaments.  Campers and staff end the day with an evening campfire.  Camp Constitution’s annual camp is a family camp open to entire families, unaccompanied minors, and adults. The cost for the week which includes lodging, meals and class handouts is $300 for those 13 and over. $200. For campers 12 and under, and […]

Join Coach Dave & Ohio Brett : Stand With Dr. Sherri Tenpenny!

Rhodes State Office Tower 30 East Broad St., Columbus, OH

The State of Ohio Medical Board is anticipated to move to remove Dr Sherri Tenpenny's license! Her charge? Failure to respond to their questions- which she did. We all know the truth as to why certain doctors are having their licenses threatened. HB 73 would protect doctors like Sherri, but isn’t through the senate yet. Sherri has been leading the educational fight on vaccine risk awareness for over two decades. Sherri is one of the founding members of Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom in 2015. She was on the front lines of this issue long before the doctors who emerged during Covid made it more politically acceptable to question the “science”. It’s time to stand for a woman who has stood for us for soo long! Here’s what you can do: 1.) Please flood the board’s inbox with emails of support for Dr.T’s work and tell them not to target her license for false reasons as a front for wanting to punish her for having medical opinions that vary from that of the board. Send emails to: 2.) Join Coach Dave & Ohio Brett and show up to the press conference in professional dress and demeanor to stand in […]

Event Series Wayne County Freedom Keepers

Wayne County Freedom Keepers

Third Saturday of each month, local meet up to build community around Constitutional principles and ideals. Different topics and speakers each month. January 21, February 18, March 18, April 15 are the first four dates in 2023. Mission: We exist to stand for truth and freedom, from medical and religious freedom to freedom from the deception and lies that are permeating our current culture. We seek to build a community of truth seeking patriots, in order to encourage and support each other as we stand up and take action to fight for the future of Wayne County.


Coach Dave Speaks at Toboso

Toboso United Methodist Church 2364 Gratiot Rd SE, Newark, OH

Coach Dave has been invited to speak at a small local church in Ohio. Join us to support Coach and to encourage this body of believers!   Arrive by 10:15 Church starts at 10:30

God’s Children Are Not For Sale!

Church in the Garage 6 Columbus Rd., Mt. Vernon, OH

Join Tom Dunn & Harry Klapinger at the Church in the Garage! These men have experience and knowledge about the evil that is happening in our midst. Two men stepping up to help those in trouble. Learn what you can do!


Ohio State House 1 Capital Square, Columbus, OH

On September 13th, state representatives will file Ohio's first bill of complete and total abolition.   This bill recognizes the personhood of the preborn and would guarantee them equal protection and equal justice under the law. In criminalizing abortion as prenatal homicide, this bill would abolish abortion. Rally with us to show your support for the abolition of abortion in Ohio. The rally will be held on the West plaza of the Statehouse, facing High Street. Rally begins at 11am, and a little prior to 2pm we will funnel into the statehouse to show our legislators that equal justice is what the word of God demands. "Hate evil, and love good, and establish justice in the gate" (Amos 5:15).   For more information check out our website: Podcast: Twitter: @EndAbortionOhio o Or email: Columbus, Ohio

Event Series Wayne County Freedom Keepers

Wayne County Freedom Keepers

Third Saturday of each month, local meet up to build community around Constitutional principles and ideals. Different topics and speakers each month. January 21, February 18, March 18, April 15 are the first four dates in 2023. Mission: We exist to stand for truth and freedom, from medical and religious freedom to freedom from the deception and lies that are permeating our current culture. We seek to build a community of truth seeking patriots, in order to encourage and support each other as we stand up and take action to fight for the future of Wayne County.
